Meet your nature mural painter

Hello! I’m Helen Snell.

Owner of Peak Murals, artist, and outdoor adventurer with a mission: to capture the wonder of nature and the experiences that make you feel alive.

After years of illustration school, working as a Hollywood prosthetic makeup artist, and even decorating cakes (I always asked to decorate the biggest cakes), here’s what I realized:

Some subjects deserve to break free of the confines of a canvas.

..Like the nature-inspired moment I’ll capture in your mural. You see, when I’m not making art, you’ll find me outdoors: hiking, rock climbing, skiing, or kayaking. And every day I’m outside, I get stopped in my tracks by a moment I wish I could bottle up and take home.

You’ve probably felt this too – when the afternoon sunlight hits a hillside of wildflowers just right, or the woolly gray summer sky crackles with lightning before a storm.

I can’t wait to hear about your favorite moment and help you capture it in the best way possible – really big, really detailed, on the biggest canvas you own (your wall!).

No vision is too big, too detailed, or too vague!

Let’s talk about it